Bump Naturally

Childbirth Education, Doula, Photographer – Omaha, NE

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You Are What You Eat (& What You Slather on your Skin)

As soon as I found out I was pregnant with my son, I immediately cleaned up my eating habits (started buying organic, added lots of protein, made sure to drink half my body weight in ounces of water) but it never even crossed my mind to look at what I was slathering ON my body and belly on a daily basis. I eventually heard through the grapevine that the acne regimen I was using was not recommended during pregnancy or nursing (which was confirmed by my doctor). I figured this was only the case because it was a harsh acne product… I never thought that my “natural” and “organic” shampoo/conditioner and makeup products from Target and Sephora could be “toxic”. Clearly, they wouldn’t be for sale if they weren’t safe, right?

#SwitchtoSafer w/ Beautycounter

To my horror, I learned (soon after the birth of my daughter) that I was blissfully unaware that companies could and were green-washing products with marketing buzz words like “gluten free,” “organic,” “botanical,” and “natural” that hold absolutely no meaning in the self regulated market of personal care products. Did you know that the U.S. hasn’t passed any major protective legislation banning harmful ingredients in personal care products since 1938 (despite the introduction of over 80K new ingredients since then)?! I quickly discovered that the majority of the products I had been using my entire life were full of yuck. And when I say yuck, I mean carcinogens, hormone disruptors, allergens and God knows what else.

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Pregnancy & Protein

Did you know that during pregnancy your body’s need for protein increases? In fact, you should be aiming to consume between 80-100 grams of protein a day since it is quickly metabolized by your body. Protein is vital for fetal development, stabilizing blood sugar levels and so much more.

For someone like myself who doesn’t eat a lot of meat, this information was daunting. How on earth can I consume THAT much protein everyday?

First and foremost, it’s important to keep a journal of what you eat (there are plenty of free apps that can help you do this like My Fitness Pal) to keep track of your nutrition and help you reach those daily goals.

Here are a few ways to sneak in extra protein if you’re not a big meat eater! Continue reading

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Yummy in your Toddler’s Tummy

Let’s face it, most toddlers are picky eaters and it can be a stressful job trying to make sure they are consuming all the “right” nutrients. I don’t claim to be an expert or have the magic potion to make your toddler eat a bowl of kale but here are some tips that seem to be working for my little guy (17 months)!

1. Prep their palate early.

Did you know that exclusively breastfed babies tend to be less picky as eaters later in life? The flavor of your breastmilk changes depending on what you eat which exposes your baby to a variety of flavors from day one. Also, waiting until 6 months to introduce any solids has been shown to reduce food aversions. (Read more here)

2. Don’t push the issue. 

Forcing your toddler to eat can backfire. Don’t let them develop a negative association with eating or sitting in their highchair. As soon as they start throwing food or pushing food away, it’s time to take a break. Perhaps they aren’t hungry or they’re just not in the sitting and eating kind of mood. Continue reading